
The Book of Mormon

Book of Mormons

Thirteen million Latter-day Saints view the Book of Mormon as more than just an 18th-century novel about early migrations to America; for them it represents real people tracing back their lineages from ancient Hebrew genealogy history.

Assign family members pictures 67-86 from the Gospel Art Book and ask them to match up each scripture passage with its associated prophet.


The Book of Mormon recounts an account of an ancient people from the Old World who immigrated to America via horses and cattle of Old World origin, domestic plants from Old World origin, compass tools like those found in Europe, as well as old world technology like the compass and metallurgy tools. Moroni, an influential prophet named later by many accounts abridged their records after internecine wars destroyed their civilization they had built over centuries of time.

These historical elements make the book a fascinating read for scholars, yet some of its features have caused some worry among some readers. For example, some records of Jaredites appear out-of-order near the end of Moroni’s insertions and can often lead to confusion among readers.


The Book of Mormon tells a captivating narrative about prophet-led people’s spiritual experiences over one millennium, with its central theme being cycles of conversion and backsliding.

LDS spiritual development emphasizes a belief in sacred history extending to our premortal existence and that becoming like God should be our ultimate goal, reinforcing that man can reach immortality by leading an upright lifestyle.

Book of Mormon teachings further demonstrate Jesus as the only path to Heaven and Redeemer of all humanity, through many prophecies and teachings establishing his divine sonship, ministry, Atonement, resurrection, eternal status and teaching that men may reach a level of eternal glory by faithfully following his teachings.


As a book written by ancient prophets, the Book of Mormon contains many prophecies which come true within its text itself – one great example can be found in 3 Nephi.

The Book of Mormon contains backdated prophecies about who would come to America and settle it, all drawn from Biblical text.

Joseph Smith later recanted a prophecy which stated “The Wrath of God shall fall upon the Inhabitants of this Land…” This statement clearly refers to Nephites being hunted and killed by Lamanites.

Christ’s Visit to the Americas

Book of Mormon stories include Jesus’ visit to America after His resurrection, Lehi leading his family and other Jews from Jerusalem to America, where they established two communities – Nephites and Lamanites. At a pivotal point during a battle with Lamanites, Mormon gave Moroni his gold plate containing the Book of Mormon before passing away.

Joseph Smith and other early leaders learned from Joseph’s Book of Mormon important beliefs which can be found in its Articles of Faith, including faith in modern prophets and continued revelation; baptism by immersion for all people; and an emphasis on the Lord’s Supper as an essential sacrament.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Joseph Smith founded Mormonism (or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in America in 1830. The organization is best known as Mormonism), an ideology and movement with roots in its unique understanding of God’s nature, family values and continuing revelation. Members adhere to strict prohibitions against alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee use while engaging in education projects and missionary work.

Members believe that the Church was originally established on an ancient foundation of apostles and prophets with “one faith, one baptism”. Since Christ has restored His Church through living apostles and prophets they are confident in his atonement allowing all people to return home with Him forever.