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    Mormon Artists

    Mormon artists use paint, drawing and other mediums to convey the deep spirituality and timeless truths found in scripture. Each brushstroke and color choice is carefully considered when creating work that inspires and uplifts its viewers. Mormon art has been developing for decades, and we now seem to have reached critical mass for its continued growth and sustainability. Heavenly Mother One parable in the Bible depicts the church as a bride being lovingly cared for by her Father, yet there is no mention of an earthly mother or spiritual guide within its pages. One Korean group known as World Mission Society Church of God believes otherwise and maintains that its…

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    The Book of Mormon – The Central Missionary Tool for Latter-Day Saints

    The Book of Mormon serves as a key missionary tool for Latter-day Saints, providing another witness of Christ and containing numerous gospel principles. Moroni encourages readers to ponder his teachings despite its sometimes obscure language, with his final statement on its title page asking us all to “remember that any faults in man are the faults of humanity. It is important that this fact remain constant.” Origins The Book of Mormon tells the tale of an Israelite group which immigrated to North America around 600 B.C. under Lehi, followed by their hardships and blessings before splitting into two major races: Lamanites who ultimately became Native American ancestors, and Nephites who…

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    Mormon Musicians Making Their Mark in the Music Industry

    Mormon musicians are making waves this year, from Neon Trees’ quirky pop-rock band to SHeDAISY’s captivating female group SHeDAISY; inspiring people worldwide. Composers like Leroy Robertson, Crawford Gates and Merrill Bradshaw use music to express Mormon identity through its neoromantic tonality. Meanwhile other artists such as Low seem unfettered by any Catholic music legacy. Brandon Flowers Brandon Flowers, best known for fronting The Killers from Utah, is an acclaimed performer with a powerful voice. His songs explore themes of love, loss and personal growth which strike a chord with fans on an emotional level. Brandon is passionate about maintaining rock music’s legacy from its classic era as his main source…

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    Mormon Artists

    Mormon artists come from diverse backgrounds and use a wide range of media to craft works that convey the story of the Church. Painting, sculpture and architecture all play important roles. Kwani Povi Winder of Santa Clara Pueblo Indian culture depicted Heavenly Mother with symbols from her native culture incorporated. This could be seen as an instance of Mormonism’s emphasis on continuity and synthesis. Carl Christensen A. Christensen Carl Christensen was an exceptional educator. His every action were consistent with Philippians 1:6, as he demonstrated true Christian virtue. Carl’s family loved and appreciated his dedication as husband, father, and grandfather – they will all miss him deeply. Christensen was born…

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    Five Euro American Artists

    Artwork has the power to communicate directly with its audience, and original and free of European style influences will convey more effectively the information intended by artists. Durand and others’ works promote an idealized American landscape while at the same time reflecting a colonial perspective of nature, both celebratory and exploitative. Modern Indigenous artists such as Dyani White Hawk and Jaune Quick-to-See Smith contest these problematic painted narratives. Beauford Delaney At a time when black artists were underappreciated, Beauford Delaney rose above his peers and became an influential figure. Utilizing flat spaces with thick applications of paint, his lyrical painting style echoes jazz music’s improvisational nature. After moving to Boston…

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    Mormon Music

    Music plays an essential part in Latter-day Saint spiritual lives and the Church encourages its members to fill their homes with appropriate melodies. The Book of Mormon supports righteous music while acknowledging its potential misuse for ungodly purposes. Recognizing its scriptural roots may help us make informed media choices in today’s culture. Hymns Mormon hymns differ significantly from Catholic church liturgy by using specific, local songs in each of their services around the globe. While some use well-known Christian tunes, others contain lyrics which address doctrine unique to their church. Emma Smith had a revelation in early 1835 to create a hymn book, but due to persecutions and other uprootings…

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    Mormon Traditions

    Mormons engage in many practices to strengthen their faith, such as attending General Conference – twice-annual series of sermons from Church leaders – or participating in their congregation’s missions and missionary efforts. They attend family home evening, a weekly ritual where families come together for group prayer and scripture study. Furthermore, they visit a temple to receive an endowment ceremony. Family Mormon life centers on family. Mormons are taught to prioritize family first as they believe it’s something lasting and make sure they spend quality time together throughout the week. Mormons teach that both males and females depend on their mothers and fathers to help shape them into people who…

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    Mormon Artists

    Artists inspired by Mormonism have produced a wide array of artwork. Some pieces are very impressive while others can seem offbeat or even bizarre. Modern Mormon artists have gone beyond Church-sanctioned depictions of deity which tend to favor white European-looking men as depictions of God, to embrace a wider range of styles when depicting divine figures. Joseph A.F. Everett Hewitt and Wetmore Hall had been open day and night as various religious and political organizations held nightly meetings there. Members were pleased to see that Harry Feinberg, editor of Industrial Worker, as well as others who spoke there had done so without being molested by police officers. But this euphoria…

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    European American Musics in the Global Diaspora

    Music is central to diasporic experience, creating an inextricable link between homeland and host land through sound. Its vast array of genres offers numerous methodological possibilities that challenge traditional approaches to diaspora studies. Students will gain insight into Euro American Musics, an array of traditions brought over from Europe by European colonists. The collection will highlight piano music, songs, choral pieces and European composers. European Instrumentation European instruments and musical styles have made an enormous contribution to music across the world. Today’s global musical landscape often blends instruments originating from Europe with those derived from African or Indian sources. During the Renaissance, wind instruments became closely associated with nobility. Palace…

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    The Cross-Pollination of Euro American Artists

    As war broke out in Europe, fourteen major painters fled for America: Duchamp, Leger and Ozenfant were French; Chagall Russian-Polish; Mondrian German and Dali Swiss. Many considered leaving as a lifesaving decision; but once there, adapting to their new country and language proved challenging. VMFA explores their experiences in this exhibit. Exile Since the 1960s, exile has been an ongoing theme in art scholarship. Scholars have predominantly approached this issue through biographical accounts of particular artists and their works. European modernists whose migration to America was spurred by Nazi terror–specifically, Kristallnacht’s murder of Jews and Germany’s occupation of France–found it a life-saving decision. By moving to New York they helped…

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