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    Mormon Artists Represent Heavenly Mother in Abundant Multiplicity

    Visual art serves to represent the teachings and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through various mediums. From its inception, art has played a central role in telling its story. Mormon artists are an amazing group. Take a look at their works. Here is an introduction to some Mormon artists with examples of their art work. Visual Art Latter-day Saint art often displays a specific aesthetic and emphasizes Church doctrine and teachings, often leading to homogenous visual pieces. While this emphasis can be extremely valuable, it can lead to some monotony among our visual art choices. Joumana Borderie and Justin Wheatley’s work may give one the…

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    Euro American Musics

    Since human history began, musical repertories have developed independently from one another. Thanks to modern travel, communications, and recording methods, these barriers have since been dismantled. Modern musicians typically incorporate elements from different cultures into their sound, often mixing foreign influences with those native to them – reflecting America as a cultural melting pot. Sullivan’s Operettas Gilbert wrote the lyrics while his colleague Sullivan composed music in several clever operas that were composed by Impresario Richard D’Oyly Carte for performance at his Savoy Theatre and changed commercial theater in England and America. Trial by Jury was their inaugural collaboration, lampooning English courtroom proceedings while Gilbert, as a practicing barrister, delighted…

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    Is the Book of Mormon a True and Ancient Record?

    The Book of Mormon purports to be an account written for Nephite, Lamanite and Jewish audiences; however, recent DNA studies have thrown doubt upon these claims. This article takes an in-depth look at some of the key issues and concerns surrounding Moroni. It begins by carefully reading his Title Page. Historical Background Latter-day Saints are taught that the Book of Mormon is an authentic ancient record. Although some elements may initially seem unlikely, Occam’s razor allows readers to consider them until proven wrong through prayer or other confirmation methods. By so doing, Occam’s razor allows Latter-day Saints to adhere to Occam’s razor and eliminate assumptions not supported by evidence. No…

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    Mormon Traditions

    Mormons observe many distinctive practices. Following death, mourning periods tend to be shorter and temple marriages offer hope of eternal families. They require members to serve full-time missions, and are known for wearing white shirts and ties when engaging in missionary work. The Book of Mormon Mormonism’s foundational text, the Book of Mormon, tells of Lehi, an Old Testament patriarch led by God to bring his family from Jerusalem to America approximately 600 BC and establish themselves there where they would face many forms of conflict and evil including wars, famines and murders from evil forces. According to the Book of Mormon, Jesus appeared and taught these people his Gospel.…

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    The Book of Mormon – A Milestone in Latter-Day Saint Doctrinal Faith

    Latter-day Saints frequently turn to the Book of Mormon as an essential spiritual guide and source. A millennarian landmark and anchor in their doctrinal faith, its words provide guidance in times of perplexity and uncertainty. This book follows Lehi’s descendants on their journey from Jerusalem to America. Each chapter includes an account by an author claiming they witnessed or wrote about these events. The Book of Mormon is a record of God’s dealings with his people. Latter-day Saints consider the Book of Mormon sacred text (considered holy alongside the Bible), revealed and translated by Joseph Smith – founder of their church. Millions have started their spiritual growth journey with this…

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    Mormon Musicians

    Mormon communities boast an incredible amount of musical talent. Notable musicians among these include David Archuleta, Alex Boye, BYU Vocal Point, Donny Osmond and Imagine Dragons. Others, such as Leigh Harline and Crawford Gates, broke away from local recognition by adopting compositional techniques unrelated to Mormonism. Famous Vocalists and Frontmen The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has long been celebrated for its performances. Serving The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as its premier choir, its fame has extended from Temple Square in Salt Lake City to concert halls around the globe. Members must audition and pass an audition test prior to joining this world-famous ensemble – they cannot hold other…

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    Mormon Music For Spiritual Awakening

    Mormon composers weren’t widely recognized beyond Utah until recently, when some, such as Leigh Harline and Arthur Shepherd, left Utah in order to pursue conservatory training, often at the New England Conservatory. Others created works with explicit religious messages or were informed by scriptural and church historical narratives, while still others used compositional techniques that resonated with mystical strains of Mormon imagination. Composers Latter-day Saints employ music in order to facilitate spiritual awakening and unify their membership, from traditional folk tunes of Mormons to grand orchestral oratorios on the Restoration. Their church holds an extensive collection of melodies dating back as far as Kirtland, Nauvoo and Utah’s settlement – many…

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    Mormon Traditions

    Mormonism, more commonly referred to as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or Mormonism, boasts an array of public rituals. This includes sacramental and temple ceremonies as well as family funeral services. One of the major religious events occurs twice each year: General Conference. At this gathering, presiding authorities from within the Church deliver sermons which highlight important religious themes and doctrine. Baptism Baptism is an essential tenet of Mormon tradition that represents faith and commitment to the gospel. Baptism represents not only one’s reaffirmation of their belief in Jesus Christ and repentance but is also seen as necessary for receiving other saving ordinances and qualifying for exaltation…

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    Rethinking the Relationship Between African American and Euro American Artists

    Not too long ago, it was widely held that African American artists were simply derivative of Euro American artists whose work dominated the canon. The essays presented here demonstrate a methodological shift which has begun to reconsider this relationship between African American and European artists. Europe funds arts at a local level and views them as part of their communities – this approach makes them less vulnerable to populist attacks that demonize artists. Modernism American art has often been mischaracterized as having been catalyzed into modernism at the Armory Show of 1913, though this myth persists despite evidence to the contrary. While American artists drew inspiration from European modernism at…

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    Mormon Musicians Share Their Faith Through Music

    Mormon musicians have an unparalleled opportunity to spread their faith through music. From BYU Vocal Point to rock band The Strike, Mormon musicians are making waves in the music world while doing their part to promote their church. World Religion News also notes that Mormons have a longstanding tradition of supporting music, particularly opera. This support continues today. Dishwalla LDS band Latter Day Saints have enjoyed immense success with their alternative rock music. Frontman Brandon Flowers has also achieved solo success; three of his albums reached Billboard’s Alternative Albums chart within 10 weeks each and all received five star reviews from critics. Before starting his own group, Flowers served as…

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